Estate section

Corporate sector


Contact us

I am glad to be helpful of you as an imminent lawyer.

For feeling that was fulfilling and peace of mind「inheritance・wills
protect assets such as apartments, housing , buildings
「Real Estate Registration(Such as name change by buying and selling・mortgage erasion after the loan full payment)」
Shown correctly of the company presence
「?register of companies(stablishment・officer・head office relocation・branch, etc.)」
Seek the release from debt and return of the overpayment.
「Debt consolidation・Over installments refund claims・bankruptcy
Permission or notification of creditworthiness up and secur e orders for the
Construction・transportation・Eating and drinking・welfare.
For property protection, such as the elderly persons「Adult Guardianship

Please contact us with confidence about 「troubled and 「annoyance

Guidance for the real estate section

The planned one that purchases an apartment ・residential home・in sale, including the person who want to put out to rent, please feel free to contact us.

In our office with license of the realty business we’ll can help you regardless of region. Of course , according to the project ,reliable received your cooperation in a number of cooperation real estate agent 's , to seek a good result for the people of the requester.
(Because it does not change the reward ,Please be assured)

Mechanism / the flow of real estate transactions

  • Step.01
    Purchase consultation
  • Step.02
    Property survey / price assessment
  • Step.03
    Financial planning
  • Step.04
    Negotiation on terms and conditions
  • Step.05
    Important matters Description Contract
  • Step.06
    Settlement delivery

We can provides property information apartments of Osaka-shi in large quantities. If you want to buy apartments・detached,Please feel free to contact us. At low interestat rates era, Monthly payment becomes easy than pay rent!

※Real estate agent has property registration requirements.therefore,most of the property information will be available at our office.

Flow of sale

  • Step.01
    Sale consultation
  • Step.02
    Property survey / price assessment
  • Step.03
    Mediation contract
  • Step.04
    istribution system registration / Public notice
  • Step.05
    Negotiation on terms and conditions
  • Step.06
    Important matters description Contract
  • Step.07
    Settlement delivery

Based on the conclusion of a contract case,We will sell at a fair price
If the sale would like to apartments・detached,Please feel free to contact us.

※Real estate agent has property registration requirements.therefore,most of the property information will be available at our office.

If you want to rent / lend apartments

If you want to rent / lend apartments, Please feel free to contact us.

Registration formalities:At the time of purchase and sale

  • [ ↓ ]Purchase and sale finalized
  • [ ↓ ]Please contact to Narita Legal Affairs Office
  • [ ↓ ] To start the procedures from our office to real estate company and the bank.
  • [ ↓ ]Witness to the payment date, it will head to the application for registration
    (such as mortgage cancellation, transfer of ownership, change of name,etc).
  • We will handing completion certificates at a later date.

Real estate purchase registration costs

Right registration:Compensation about 80,000 to about 12 million units

※The presence or absence of the loan, depending on the number of nominee.

Contact us

The flow of real estate transactions

Mechanism, the flow of real estate transactions

Real estate concierge is selected from the customer 3point

Real estate information

An example of such as conclusion of a contract performance

  • 芦屋市東山町 店舗ビル
  • JR芦屋駅、阪急芦屋川駅、いかりスーパー(岩園町)
  • 奈良県生駒市新生駒台 中古戸建
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 宅地:100.1m² 床面積:72.86m² 昭和52年築、整然とした住宅地域、近鉄難波・奈良線生駒駅よりバス8分
  • 東京都新宿区高田馬場 スカイコート早稲田壱番館
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 21.51m² 明治通り、早稲田通りの交差点、山手線高田馬場駅歩4分、収益物件
  • 東京都中央区日本橋本町 スカイコート三越前壱番館
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 21.42m² 銀座線三越前駅歩4分 治安、生活環境の良い人気エリア 収益物件
  • 大阪市北区豊崎 中津グランドハイツ
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 約63m² 2LDK 市営地下鉄中津駅徒歩5分
  • 大阪市中央区谷町 エステムコート谷町六丁目Ⅱアクティーネ
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 約56m² 2LDK 市営地下鉄:谷町6丁目駅徒歩3分
  • 岐阜県羽島市正木町 土地
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 約200m² 名鉄竹鼻線:不破一色駅 徒歩10分
  • 八尾市佐堂町 土地
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 約203m² 近鉄大阪線:久宝寺口駅すぐ 市街化地域 住居建築予定
  • 大阪市阿倍野区松虫 戸建(土地のみ可)(Only land is possible)
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 約150m²(土地) 約155m²(建物) 阪堺電鉄:松虫駅徒歩6分 
  • 大阪市中央区粉川町 プリフォール谷町
    【Buying and selling】
  • 約62m² 2LDK 市営地下鉄:谷町6丁目駅徒歩4分
  • 大阪府東淀川区東中島 ユニゾーン新大阪
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 新大阪駅(JR・新幹線・地下鉄)を出て目前、収益物件(賃貸中)
  • 大阪市中央区石町 天満橋スカイハイツ
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 公官庁近く、天満橋駅(地下鉄・京阪)すぐ、収益物件(賃貸中)
  • 大阪府八尾市 ビルテナント
    【Rent】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 外環状線沿い、1階、用途多様
  • 大阪府八尾市 メガシティタワーズ
    【Rent】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 久宝寺駅直結、タワーマンション、築浅、最新設備
  • 東京都台東区 戸建(居宅・店舗)
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 希少な戸建、利便性良く、人気物件
  • 東京都中央区 レックス勝どきプレミアレジデンス
    【Rent】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 高級マンション、築浅、最新設備、駅まで徒歩約5分
  • 大阪府阪南市箱作 中古戸建
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 宅地:167m²、床面積:124m²、平成2年築、閑静な住宅地、南海箱作駅へ徒歩圏内
  • 大阪市北区中津5-8-3 ティラヴェント北梅田 賃貸マンション
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 1K(30.52m²) 、平成14年築、梅田駅・大阪駅すぐ、オートロック、宅配BOX、オール電化
  • 大阪市中央区船越町1-2-9 ドエル天満橋 賃貸マンション
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 1K(20.62m²) 、平成13年築、天満橋駅・谷町4丁目駅すぐ、オートロック、コンビニ等便利
  • 大阪市港区磯路1-2-12 コージーコート 賃貸マンション
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 3LDK(61.87m²) 、平成18年築、ファミリー、システムキッチン、弁天町駅すぐ
  • 大阪市住吉区帝塚山中3-7-5 DAIKENN帝塚山 賃貸マンション
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 2LDK(66.56m²) 、平成22年築、ファミリー、ペット可、防犯カメラ、積水ハウス
  • 大阪市中央区谷町2-5-4 エフベースラドルフ 賃貸オフィスビル
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 23.68m²、谷町筋、法務局・郵便局すぐ、天満橋駅・谷町4丁目駅すぐ
  • 大阪市西区京町堀1-17-16 京町堀センタービルディング 賃貸オフィスビル
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 30.4m²、なにわ筋、郵便局・コンビニすぐ、肥後橋駅・本町駅、会議室有
  • 大阪市西区江戸堀1-7-16 サンライズ肥後橋ビル 賃貸オフィスビル
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 33.05m²、四ツ橋筋からすぐ、肥後橋駅、郵便局・コンビニ等近隣あり
  • 大阪市西区北堀江1-14-24 オービット四ツ橋ビル 賃貸オフィスビル
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 56.20m²、四ツ橋筋からすぐ、四ツ橋駅、堀江界隈、公園等も近く
  • 大正区 千島1丁目 中古戸建2625万
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 4LDK 3階建て H14年築 鉄骨造 土地60.83m² 建物106.91m²
  • 港区 磯路3丁目 新築戸建3180万
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 4LDK 3階建て 木造 土地55.23m² 建物98.49m²
  • グリーンラグーナ甲子園3500万
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 3SLDK 82.6m² H17年築 コンシェルジュ ペット ゲスト・キッズ・シアタールーム 床暖房など
  • 精華町 光台 学研奈良登美ヶ丘駅 中古戸建
    「Income-producing properties tenting ※Available-for-sale
  • 2世帯対応 バリアフリー対応 セキスイハイム 7SLDK H17年築
  • ルナ・ピエーナ阿波座2180万円
    「 lend the sale in lots・Conclusion of a contract already
  • 3階、3LDK、68.77m²、駐車場:15000円、H10年築、防犯カメラ、オートロック、阿波座駅に徒歩1分 校区:明治小学校 花乃井中学校 大手前高校(他あり)
  • 千早赤坂村 小吹台団地
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 宅地:226m²、更地、幼稚園・小学校・郵便局・ストアーあり、バス停あり、閑静な住宅地
  • 大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋3-12-2 あべのクオレ 1109号
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 面積:62.36m²、2LDK、駅近(関西スーパー含む)、通気性が良い、風呂追い炊き、カウンターキッチン 共用部分改装済(3年前)、オートロック、防犯カメラ、管理人 
  • 守口市大宮通4丁目 築浅戸建希望価格2590万(160万減額)
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 3LDK(建延74.48m²)、H18年築、日当たり・風通し良し、皿洗機、ウォシュレット、浴室乾燥機、内装不要のきれいさ!
  • 大阪市鶴見区今津中1-6-10 シャトー幸福
    「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 2LDK 57.28m² JR放出駅徒歩7分 今津公園徒歩2分 管理人有り
  • 大阪市西区北堀江4-2-27 ジオ北堀江
    「Income-producing properties tenting ※Available-for-sale
  • 1LDK 58.45m² 西長堀駅・公園・スーパーすぐ タワーマンション 花火も観覧可
  • 大阪市西区西本町 カナード西本町
    【Buying and selling】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 本町駅(地下鉄:御堂筋線・中央線・四つ橋線)近く、賃貸中、収益物件
  • 大阪市浪速区大国 ルーメリヒサール
    【Rent】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 単身マンション、地下鉄:御堂筋線・四つ橋線「大国町駅」
  • 大阪市西区南堀江 ルミエール西長堀
    【Rent】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 単身マンション、地下鉄:千日前線・鶴見緑地線「西長堀駅」
  • 大阪市西区立売堀 LAV心斎橋ウェスト
    【Rent】「Conclusion of a contract already
  • 単身マンション、地下鉄:中央線・四つ橋線「本町駅・四ツ橋駅」
Contact us

Introduction of real estate information

※This page and the another page(Real Estate Sold Information・Real Estate Recruitment) is different. This page we have been the introduction of the property video and video to the main. However, it has increased successively posted, among the real estate distribution system information, not only to the part that also please understand.

※Because the real estate information, intended to be looking for on the basis of the real estate distribution system information(rains), if you would like to look at the inter-dealer distribution system information, Feel free,please browse on the reservation at our office.

The person who wants to sell, the one that want to buy are to look at this system information together It is also possible grasp real estate market price.
we ask you about Carefully various consultation
Because there alsothe experienced female officer, the woman feels relieved, Please come to our office.
We looking forward to a certain relationship encounter. Thank you for your cooperation.

Guidance for the corporate sector

The large revision by corporate law of May, 2006, it is economical for a company and becomes easy,The convenient structure and systems came to be produced.

The most, There are correctional fines( Claims from the court), when you left untreated register of companies,
The other, in recent years, in a climate of compliance (compliance), allow the relationship of the construction industry to the prime contractor and subcontract it has been strongly requested.

If there is no authorized relationship,there are many that it does not turn the work.Also when for such time, also helps business when there is permission.

Because it will backup the company-affiliated registration and permission of the complex construction industry in our office, Please feel free to contact us.

Permission and application for the construction industry

As the industry overall flow, the subcontractor has been strong demand for a permit acquisition.
therefore, after the permit acquisition creditworthiness is up, You can aim the increased orders and order stability.
In addition, the permission possession held has become a big plus element in the examination of the loan.

The flow of the procedure Permits and apply for the construction industry

  • [ ↓ ]We will visit to your office.( We would like to ask you for your request.)
  • [ ↓ ]We received the required documents(tax return documents, qualification certificate, insurance card,
    Purchase order-confirmation, office use certificate, etc.)
    take the office photograph.
    The following can also be allowed to get in here.
    (Tax certificate, certificate of registered matters related to guardianship, the guardianship curatorship about the certificate, etc.)
  • [ ↓ ]We make an application form and required documents.
  • [ ↓ ]Application to the Legal Affairs Bureau. (You will receive a written notice of permission in about 16 days to 30 days.)
  • [ ↓ ]Prepare the permission slip.
  • It is complete.
    ( In future, Do perform「Closing notification of change of every year and the「update of every five years after.

As for the preparations of the bid (business analysis application, business evaluation) will also flow similar to the above.

establishment of a company ( New corporation law correspondence)

It is effective as tax financial affairs measures.Also back up as with the partner accountant and the licensed tax accountant after the establishment. In addition, because it supports the new corporation law that there was of the Large revision, can plan the beneficial company operations.

Flow of the procedure of a company establishmen(New corporation law correspondence)

  • [ ↓ ]Create a founder proceedings and the Articles of Incorporation.(Please prepare for the founder・the officer worth of seal certificate)
  • [ ↓ ]Make arrangements with notary public.
  • [ ↓ ]Subject to the Articles of Incorporation authentication of the notary public's office.
    (certification fee 50,000 yen is necessary, and stamp fee 40,000 yen is optional.)
  • [ ↓ ]Please give me the fulfillment of the investment.
    (It is the payment of the capital in the personal account. Please prepare for the copying of the payment passbook as a payment certificate.)
  • [ ↓ ]Registration application.( Registration and license tax / Normal: stock company 150,000 yen, and limited liability company 60,000 yen)
    (Please prepare the company registered seal = representative mark.)
  • [ ↓ ]Registration completed in approximately 3 to 10 days: company establishment
  • After registration is complete, please do the bank account establishment of the company.

cost of the company establishment

Judicial scrivener・Administrative scrivener: About 80,000 yen total remuneration:abridged edition.

☆There is a significant reduction, if you request a partnership tax accountant set.

Contact us

register of companies Housing Jianye permit

Allow change procedure of company-affiliated registration and housing construction industry

  • [ ↓ ]Such as when the officer of the company changes and when transfer the head office of the company, the change registration of the company is all necessary.( It is the emergence of judicial scrivener)
  • [ ↓ ]And, after the registration is complete, change of housing construction industry,
    (head office, directors, etc.) procedures is also necessary. (It is the emergence of administrative scrivener)
  • If you want to make the the company of housing construction industry and you want to take the housing construction industry license,when you have such thoughts, please consulation and contact us.
    We will help you with preparations in order to clear following various requirements together.

Subscription status confirmation of insurance, etc.(Additional requirements from 2013)

Office guidance

Office Name
Judicial scrivener / Land and house investigator
Administrative scrivener / Landowner building trading deal / Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Narita Legal Affairs Office
[ No. registration:No.3864 No.3298 No.09262077 ]
Yutaka Narita
・Registration of real estate
(change in name, in accordance with purchase sale, deletion of mortgage etc.)
(Building new construction, expansion, construction, demolition, boundary determination etc)
・Real-estate transaction (Correspondence of asset formation)
・Property management business (Commercial building, residential condominiums, etc.)
・establishment of a company (New corporation law correspondence)
・Register of commpanies (Such as the purpose change and officials change, head office relocation and branch transfer)
・Inheritance proceedings and will (Prevention of conflict)
・Debt consolidation・Over installments claim (Release from the card・credit・Loan life)
・Procedure and update of construction permit
・Procedure and update of housing construction industry
The location
of the address
[ New address ]
zip:540-0012  2-2-20, Tanimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi  Ootemaeruidai1 Bld.7F
[ Of the old Office Address ]
zip:540-0012  2-5-4, Tanimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi  RADOLF306
zip:550-0012  2-5-41, Itachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi Aida Building 607
phone number
[ New address ]
Keihan train / Tanimachi Line 「Tenmabashi 3 exit about 280m (3~4 minute walk)
Subway Tanimachi Line / center lane 「Tanimachi 4-chome 1-A exit about 220m (3 minute walk)
Of the old Office Address New address New address

Greetings by Yutaka Narita

As the lawyer that the town is imminent like the doctor of the town, I look forward to helping you.
Make use of a conscientious lawyer network, I cope with as possible various hope.
Please use it for the help of Life with peace of your request bidder.

Narita Legal Affairs Office Representative:Yutaka Narita

Representative Yutaka Narita


I was baseball, kendo and an exercise boy in boyhood.(report card all 3 with a chubby big body)
Because there was scared uneasy experience (civil case) around puberty, I come to aim at the lawyer.
From this time, a body narrows.
As for not having the acquaintance in the days of the child notice by the coming-of-age ceremonies) At the present time is height: 181cm, the weight: 72 kg

After that,I enjoy baseball and a friend afterwards in the University of Osaka Prefecture Otemae Senior High school .
That amount, because I neglected learning, it is failed by the examination for university.
I spent an exercise circle and the life of the part-time job in Matsue-shi for approximately two years for national Shimane University Era and worked hard at a qualifying examination afterwards.
Finished the master's course graduation, I found a job in the real estate company in Hiroshima-shi and had you teach various social study from seniors and business partners including the president.

The younger brother who is my only brothers dies to about 28 years old, I come back to Osaka-shi of the hometown that is a home (In the situation that loses the close younger brother who played since the days of a child well together, and in the situation sad very strictly, It is an encounter in a book written with it 「being good for the late younger brother that a family thinking of a younger brother lives forward happily , My heart came to be able to face each other in everything forward openly.)

And, it was opened an office in response to it.

However, it was the situation that ran an office while working part-time for approximately approximately two years.
All property disappeared, and there was the life while I did borrowed money.

From the third year onwards, thanks to everyone, we have grown and prospered, now it is the ninth term, and at the Legal Affairs Bureau and the office of about 100 m2 in size,Multiple staff members are also invited. Thanks to everyone, such as many of our customers for introductions, am now receiving a request mainly from the work of judicial scrivener, land house investigator,residential building transaction, administrative scrivener. Much obliged.

With compassion kindness, I will encourage you to be active as a familiar lawyer (judicial scrivener / land house investigator / residential building dealer / administrative scrivener).
Thank you for your cooperation, forever.
 ☆ Affiliation ☆
・kinran society
・Osaka west wise mens club
・Junior chamber of commerce (JC: real estate sectional meeting)
・The Osaka chamber of commerce


The personal information the name, the contact information,etc. that had you input, may not disclose it to a third party without personal agreement.

※Is the necessary information

Company name

(Customers of the corporation, please fill out)

例)成田 太郎

例)なりた たろう
E-mail address 

Phone number 

Content of inquiry 









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